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Spring Equinox Cacao Ceremony

✨Letting The Light In✨

Spring Equinox Cacao Ceremony


Spring is here! The Vernal Equinox is the time of celebrating the return of the light. Join us in sacred community as we come together and let the light in!


If you’ve been going through a dark time, know that you’re not alone. Now is the time for rebirth and renewal. This ceremony will be focused on finding the light within, and allowing it to illuminate the darkness. We will gather together and invite the power of sacred cacao to help to heal our hearts and open us up to the life giving energy of spring.


The Ceremony


Join us on a journey of love, healing, and self-discovery as we open our hearts to receive the heart-opening medicine of ceremonial Cacao.


Be held in a safe and sacred space where you will be led on a guided meditation to explore the depths of your heart, clear away the darkness, and find the light within.


Relax and be immersed in the soothing sounds of drums, crystal bowls, and heart healing healing frequencies, allowing the harmonies to resonate with the intentions you set during this sacred  shared experience of connection and healing.


The Medicine


Cacao, known to ancient Aztecs and Mayans as “The Food of the Gods” is a heart healing, heart opening medicine. It helps to open the blood pathways and lower blood pressure while providing beneficial vitamins and minerals. Cacao is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and lowers cholesterol.


Unlike the highly processed, typical chocolate you buy from the grocery store, (which usually has less than 2% actual cacao) ceremonial cacao is different. This pure 100% cacao comes from heirloom strains in Central and South America. It is harvested, ground, and roasted by hand to ensure quality.


The Facilitator


My name is Crystle Castle, and I am a holistic healer, massage therapist, and energy worker with a background in Native American shamanism and Eastern Medicine modalities. I have been practicing in the healing arts for over eighteen years, and specialize in heart healing and trauma recovery.


After a near death experience at the age of eighteen, I began my healing journey, and found my passion and purpose. My path is to hold space for others on their healing journeys, coming together in community for a better planet and a better future. It is my honor to be a guide on your healing journey. 💖


The Invitation

In honor of the Vernal Equinox, I invite you to join me in letting the light in. I will guide you in a grounding, heart opening meditation to connect more deeply to the wisdom of the Earth and your heart. You will experience the many healing benefits of cacao, as well as receive an intuitive energy reading and clearing from me.
Love Offering: $111 via Cash or Venmo @prismbodywork