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person getting a deep tissue massage

The TRUTH About Deep Tissue Massage: Expert Tips and Common Misconceptions

By Crystle Castle / June 20, 2024 /

Is your deep tissue doing more harm than good? Many people (including massage therapists!) often misunderstand what “deep tissue” really means. That’s because it’s subjective, and varies from person to person. What one person may consider deep is not what someone else might consider deep. The problem with this is that when done incorrectly, a…

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Are You Ready to Transform Your Health in Just 21 Days?

By Crystle Castle / June 8, 2024 /

Do you frequently feel tired, sluggish, bloated or struggle with weight gain, brain fog, and low energy? Have you tried fad diets only to yo-yo back and forth? If you’re nodding your head “yes”, then it’s time for a reset! Join my 21-Day Detox & Cleanse and kickstart your journey to better health. Open enrollment…

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Boise Wellness Collective closing its doors

By Crystle Castle / September 20, 2021 /

Hello Dear Friends and Clients! It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to close the doors at Boise Wellness Collective. Four years ago I opened the collective with a dream of bringing health practitioners together to offer holistic health services for our community. I can honestly say I achieved that goal! It…

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Traveling Thailand

By Crystle Castle / March 10, 2020 /

Traveling Thailand    Traveling can be life changing. Travel invites you to get out of the known and into the unknown. It allows you to have new experiences, meet new people, and expand your horizons. Beyond that, traveling can allow you to grow by illuminating how you respond to those new experiences, inviting insight by…

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